Not Fit Enough for Jiu-Jitsu? – The Misconceptions of starting BJJ

A common response on being invited to train is “I’m not fit enough” or “I’ll come once I get in shape”

Just like any task or goal that is achieved. Some sort of effort is required. Getting “fit” or “in shape” is no exception. Most times when I am met with this sort of response, the individual does not progress with their fitness and will therefore never be seen on the mat and potentially miss out.

Just like any sport, the fitter you are, the easier and in most cases the better you will potentially be at the chosen sport. However, why do you take part in the sport in the first place? Most of the time the answer is because you enjoy it, to have fun, to be challenged, to socialise, or something along this lines.

Before I started training I was completely out of shape, doing little to no exercise, smoking, consuming alcohol to an amount that could be deemed as excessive and living the “rock n roll” lifestyle, along with dealing with mental health stresses (of which I will go into in a separate post). Basically, a bit of a mess to be honest.

I started training as I recognised a change was in order. In a short time my focus was on the sport and improving my abilities in grappling and mixed martial arts. The increase in physical and mental health was byproduct. Therefore wasn’t adding to my stress and worry of “trying” to lose weight. It just happened as I was loving this new activity.

I lost something in the range of 20kg within a year without really consciously focusing on it. Creating habits and a lifestyle change that was, and still is sustainable. Not one of these rubber band “diets” and “fitness regimes” that you fall in and out of love with. This weight and level of unhealthiness is now a distant memory and a thing of the past. Turning up to that first class and deciding to sign up is one of, if not the best decisions of my life.

Don’t get me wrong. I am far from being the pinnacle of health and in optimum shape. I can still be rather gluttonous and “enjoy” myself. My training allows me to do this without stressing about it.

SO in short. Don’t use “I’m not fit enough” as an excuse. There is no later, the time to make that change is NOW! Create a habit, a lifestyle change and focus on a sport you enjoy rather than the fitness, it will come as the byproduct.

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The Armoury, Martial arts, BJJ, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Grappling, Gi, No Gi, Beginners, Advanced, Sutton, Cheam, Surrey. 

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