Call: 07905838179
I, the student named on this form, assume full responsibility and liability for all damages, injuries and losses that I may sustain or incur while participating in or watching training at THE ARMOURY & Memento Mori Jiu Jitsu. I realise that serious injury is commonplace in martial arts such as the one I am hereby entering and that death is a possibility. I also realise that if I am injured, I might be disfigured, disabled and/or rendered unable to work again. By attending classes at THE ARMOURY & Memento Mori Jiu Jitsu I agree to and fully accept and assume liability for any and all injuries that I may incur expressly give up and waive any and all claims that I or anyone acting on my behalf or through me might have against the teachers, operators, sponsors, officials, participants, non-participants, and their agents, employees and representatives for any injury regardless of its nature, effect or affect on me as a result of my participation and/or presence at the club.
I authorise, and agree to hold harmless, whatever medical personnel that may be present at the club to take any action necessary, should I become injured.
I represent that I am in good health; that I am not presently, nor will I participate while under the influence of any drug or medication; that no one affiliated with this club has encouraged me to begin training or made any representations regarding my fitness or ability to participate; that I have read and understood every provision of this release; and that I am legally competent to and freely enter into this waiver, release and assumption of risk agreement.
If a student’s registration application is accepted and the athlete permitted to train, THE ARMOURY & Memento Mori Jiu Jitsu hereby expressly reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, with or without cause, to change, modify or otherwise edit information contained upon the registration form.
The General Data Protection Regulation, known as GDPR, is a positive step towards you having more control over how your data is used and how you’re contacted. The changes will also help to better protect your personal data.
Our Commitment
THE ARMOURY & Memento Mori Jiu Jitsu is committed to protecting and safeguarding your personal data. We only hold the personal data that you have provided us with directly. When we say ‘personal data’ we mean identifiable information about you or your child, such as name, email, address, telephone number, dob, medical allergies etc.
What we Use Data For
The Information we collect is for membership management, activities, trips & events planning, and contacting you to let you know about information relevant to the THE ARMOURY & Memento Mori Jiu Jitsu and to help our members.
How we communicate
Our primary communication mechanism is via THE ARMOURY & Memento Mori Jiu Jitsu Facebook pages, closed Groups and WhatsApp groups. When you join these channels, you are effectively ‘opting in’. This is an open page for Students and Parents or appointed guardians. We take every step to verify the identity of any new member requests and reserve the right to refuse membership if we are unsure or feel it would be detrimental to existing members. The closed page should be treated as confidential and as such, you must not share private or identifiable information
shared by other members. Bear in mind that comments posted publicly are seen by all members. Private messaging can be used to continue conversations that are more personal/confidential. Any breach of the page’s code of conduct or sharing of personal information or images of other members without permission will not be tolerated and in the event of non resolution, we reserve the right to remove members for the greater good of the group and to preserve the page as a safe and confidential platform for all.
Health & Safety:
To comply with Health and Safety Regulations we may also take details of any medical issues/allergies and whether first aid can be administered in the event of an accident if we are planning a specific outing. However, we operate all events and activities based on the agreement that parent, guardian or appointed adult (such as a PA or other family member/friend) will be present & responsible for the child/young person during the activities. (If your family member with THE ARMOURY & Memento Mori Jiu Jitsu attends an event by themselves, we would not assume responsibility for their safety and well-being and they do so at their own risk.)
Photography & Filming
We also ask your permission to photograph or film you or your child/young person.
This would be solely for sharing within our Groups and pages or to promote THE ARMOURY & Memento Mori Jiu Jitsu activities to a wider community such as Paper or online advertising. We would ask your permission prior to using images of your child. Any 3rd parties such as 3rd party event organisers or corporate sponsors would apply their own GDPR policy and seek your direct permission before using photographs for their own community awareness/social inclusion activities. You have the right to request a photograph be removed from our Facebook page or groups and can do this by contacting Andrew Short or other page Administrators.
Surveys & Opinions
THE ARMOURY & Memento Mori Jiu Jitsu may take part in surveys. Information about these as hoc surveys will be shared in a post and you can decide whether to take part. Responses will always be anonymised and not traceable, unless you give your consent to be contacted directly about your response. If you don’t want to provide us with personal data, you don’t have to, but if we don’t have the health and safety information we need, it might mean you may not be able to attend certain events. We will never share any of your data with third parties for selling/marketing purposes.
All information retained regarding our members are held securely on our system. We will only keep your information for the length of time that you are a member or until you tell us that you wish your data to be removed from our system.
Your Rights to your personal data information
You have the right at any point while we still hold your data to:
request access to see the data
to request a summary of the data
to instruct us to erase your data
receive a copy of your data
You have the right to refuse to receive any communications from us and to remove yourself from our Facebook closed page
If you choose to opt out of any of the above, this can be done by contacting us on info@the-armoury.uk
I understand that whilst every care will be taken to give safe instruction, I accept full responsibility and consider myself fit to exercise. I have answered all questions correctly and all medical and health considerations are noted above.